Smartphone app uses AI and facial-image processing software to reliably detect the onset of depression
‘I’d never seen such an audacious attack on anonymity before’: Clearview AI and the creepy tech that can identify you with a single picture “While there are observable trends, such
Interface Systems Joins Forces with Wobot to Launch AI-Powered Video Analytics Solution for Restaurants
Taco Bell Embraces AI Drive-Thrus, Aiming for Increased Restaurant Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction The data showed that 42 percent of respondents said they “do not like the idea of it,” down just
What is GPT-4? Everything You Need to Know
Apple claims its on-device AI system ReaLM ‘substantially outperforms’ GPT-4 However, LLMs still face several obstacles despite their impressive performance. Over time, the expenses related to the training and application
When Bots Do Business: How Generative AI Is Disrupting B2B Dynamics
10 Best AI Chatbots for Business 2023 Companies like Omantel and TUATARA have successfully used AI chatbots for internal purposes, particularly during the transition to remote work due to the pandemic. The chatbots provided